Fire Door Surveys

Starting from January 2023, responsible persons of multi-occupied residential buildings with storeys over 11m are legally required to conduct quarterly and annual checks on fire doors. At Howes, our expert fire door surveyors can assist you with comprehensive fire door survey checks for every fire door and fire exit in your building.

After completing the survey, we provide you with an accurate and detailed report that is easy to understand. The report includes photographs, ensuring a comprehensive record of the inspection. Reviewing our report, you can easily identify hazards associated with incorrectly installed or faulty fire doors.

Our fire door report outlines the essential checks necessary to comply with current regulations and suggests non-critical but advisable repairs and adjustments.

To ensure compliance, employing a competent contractor to survey the fire doors at your premises following a fire risk assessment is important. By choosing a certified contractor like Howes, you can be assured that the advice given will meet regulations and protect you from compliance issues.

If you are also in need of an initial Fire Risk Assessment, we offer this service as well. Our team at Howes is dedicated to ensuring the safety and compliance of your building.

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